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Smart TV Connection

Televisions that integrate the Internet and Web 2.0 features to provide a more interactive experience for users are known as Smart TVs.  These televisions provide features like Web browsing; video-on-demand and video streaming via services such as YouTube, Netflix and Hulu Plus; Internet radio from services like Pandora and Rhapsody; social networking from sites like Twitter and Facebook; apps and games and much more. Smart TVs are also typically DLNA certified, enabling the sharing of movies, photos, music and similar multimedia content from other DLNA-compliant PCs, tablet computers, smartphones and similar devices.


While a number of television manufacturers are now selling Smart TVs, consumers with traditional TVs can receive Smart TV capabilities on their existing TVs via Smart TV-capable Blu-ray players and set-top boxes.  Other examples of Smart TVs include Google TV, Ubuntu TV and LG Smart TV.


AV Innovations are able to provide you with an internet connection to your SMART television or device, via our range of wired and wireless options.

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