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Additional Ethernet Points & Networks

With so many new devices needing an online connection including games consoles, music players and Smart Televisions; networking systems are no longer just confined to the workplace.​

There are many wired and wireless options available to incorporate into your home setup. Also see our Multimedia Distribution services to see how home networking can be used to distribute your home entertainment devices.


Most broadband routers come with only four wired Ethernet ports, which in this day and age sometimes just is not enough. There are many benefits of connecting your devices via a wired connection over wireless options including speed and reliability.


We can supply and setup an Ethernet switch available with 8 additional Ethernet ports upwards, as well as a hard wired connection to each of your devices.


AV Innovations can also help if you have an issue with the wireless capability or range of your router. By simply upgrading your router or by adding additional routers or wireless extenders into different areas of your home or business we can often remove signal dead spots completely.


Home networking can seem confusing, however we are here to help. Please feel free to Contact Us to discuss your home or business requirements and let us build you a future proof and simple to use system.

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